In an effort to assist people in building their skill set for potential employment in a variety of areas, AGRADE Education and Training Pty Ltd is providing fee-free courses for qualified students in cooperation with the NSW Government's Skilling for Recovery initiative.

What is Skilling for Recovery? A programme run by the NSW Government called Skilling for Recovery offers fee-free training to help job searchers retrain or up-skill as well as support school dropouts as they make their initial career entry. AGRADE Training can assist qualified students in obtaining Skilling for Recovery-funded training because it is a NSW Government Smart and Skilled training provider.

Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for fee-free qualification training under Skilling for Recovery you need to:

  • live or work in NSW
  • be aged 15 years or older
  • have left school
  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen.
You must also meet one of the following criteria
  • Unemployed
  • At risk of unemployment (as specified by the Department)
  • 17 – 24 years of age (regardless of employment status).

Our Skilling For Recovery Funded Courses Are:

Aged Care and Disability Support Courses

Please contact the college for further information - 1300 736 436 or email us on: marketingc@agradetraining.nsw.edu.au

Mode of delivery: Blended / Zoom Online Learning.

Apply To Enrol