Welcome from our CEO - Introduction

Ms Joan Stone - is the founding CEO of our college A Grade Education and Training. Joan's vast experience and knowledge of the early child care industry is a valuable and unique asset for A Grade, and its current and future students.

Joan is on the Board of Child Care NSW, which is the peak body for all private Childcare Centres in NSW, and she brings her expertise to the Vocational Education and Training sector, establishing AGrade Education and Training to combine classroom training with practical and hands-on experience in her Childcare Centres. Her amazing Team have now grown and proudly announce that we include Aged Care to our range of nationally recognised accredited courses.

Joan firstly started her Career as a Survey and Engineering Draftswoman with the Department of Lands, and then transferred to work at a Local Council, engaging in Engineering and Road Design. She then went on to study Architectural Drafting, and established her own Architectural Drafting Business - before then, after having her Lovely Son, selected to study Primary Teaching where she could be with him every day. Following that, she undertook a Conversion Course at that time set down by the Department of Education, and was then relocated to High School Teaching - but in her last 8 years with the Department of Education, she studied and taught Careers Advising in a local High School, where she worked so hard encouraging all her High School Students to work and study hard, and become the BEST they could be in Life! She even did her OWN Work Experience the last week of Term 4 every year and worked in great and exciting locations such as the Control Tower at Sydney airport, the Four Seasons Hotel at the Sydney Quay, a Local Lawyer's Office where she attended a Court Case appearance every day, a Smash Repairs Workshop, as well as other local work venues and businesses. Joan has studied various other Courses over her past years to keep up with the ever-changing compliances in all Industries

Message from CEO Joan Stone

It is with great pleasure that as the CEO, I welcome you to our college, A Grade Education and Training, as you start your Educational journey and an exciting Career Pathway with us!

Working within the Childcare Sector, or in Aged Care are all some of the most rewarding careers you can choose, and although each have many unique challenges, these sectors offer truly fulfilling roles with many diverse Career paths and opportunities, to follow.

At A Grade Education and Training, our courses offer our Students study time in class, whilst showcasing skills in the workplace where they will be supported and guided by our friendly Childcare Centre Educators and Staff, and our Aged Care Career Partners, as well. We believe that upon successful completion of our Courses, Students will have gained many benefits from the training and support we deliver, including their personal growth and development that will also happen along the way.

I would like to extend my personal congratulations to all our new and current Students, to wish you every success in your study with us, and all the very best in your chosen future Careers!

Joan STONE JP (Justice of the Peace)
DIRECTOR and CEO A Grade Education and Training


Our vision is to establish ourselves as a reputable organisation that provides a successful pathway to all our learners.


Our Mission is to deliver high quality courses that create industry-ready graduates and workforce professionals.


A Grade Education and Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 1313863667
ACN: 138363667
RTO Code No: 70235

Campus: Level 5, 545 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000